“Are we robbing God?” 11/27/16

What's happenin' at the Deaf Church
Sunday November 27th
In FELLOWSHIP HALL - 5324 Canal Blvd (downstairs door, off Hawthorne Place)
Workshop taught by Mildred Walker
“Are we robbing God?”
10:45am – 2pm
(lunch will be provided)
In FELLOWSHIP HALL - 5324 Canal Blvd (downstairs door, off Hawthorne Place)
Come join us and bring your Bible. If you
don't have a Bible, we will give you one.
Sincerely, Pastor John Lovas
VP # 504 273 1152
E-mail: jclovas@gmail. com
Pager e-mail: jclovaspager@ gmail.com
Church address: 5320 and 5324 Canal Blvd, N.O., LA 70124