The DEAF CHURCH in New Orleans, Louisiana

Why donate to Canal Boulevard Baptist Deaf Church (CBBDC)?
LOCAL DEAF'S NEEDS -- We have been working to meet the needs of the Deaf community by providing free services for those who have been underserved and displaced. Many in the Deaf community face ongoing unemployment and lack of access to basic needs and communication needs. 78 percent of the local Deaf community is under-employed or unemployed. We intend to continue with our job training and networking programs to help those who are unemployed find sustainable employment. We help provide free interpreting services where services have been denied, work with those who need independent living skills, help find housing for homeless Deaf women and their children and victims of domestic violence, help those who are struggling with addictions to find programs, visit those Deaf who are incarcerated and institutionalized to share the gospel, help provide them godly fellowship and meet their needs.
We are praying that God will help us provide a home for the homeless Deaf women and their children who are victims of domestic violence and also an independent living facility for the Deaf, hard of hearing and deaf/blind. The need is great.
DEAF FAMILY NEEDS -- We provide Christian family and marriage counseling for free.
LOCAL COMMUNITY NEEDS -- We provide free ASL classes in all levels to the community in whole. We also work with and train local employers, local businesses and public facilities by providing free onsite training to their employees. We provide free ASL classes and training for the families of the Deaf, hard of hearing, latent deaf, deaf/blind and to those who have been language deprived. We have an extensive free lending library that is used by the Deaf community, their families, local school systems, local churches, college students and local professionals who work with the Deaf community.
LOCAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS -- We provide free advocacy and resources to the parents of Deaf, hard of hearing and the Deaf/blind so that they can have their children's educational needs met; including access to fellow parents and networks, helping to finding service providers and setting up individual educational plans (IEP).
LOCAL OUTREACH NEEDS – We reach out to the isolated pockets of Deaf, hard of hearing, and also isolated Deaf blind individuals to provide them access to meaningful relationships, fellowship and encouragement.
God has been faithful to us in that we receive no outside funding or support; yet, we have always been able to provide almost 100 percent of our services free of charge … and we plan to continue to do so.
MISSION NEEDS -- Being that the Deaf are the 2nd most unreached people group in the world and the most unreached people group in North America, we take our commission very seriously. We will continue to reach out and tell the Deaf about God's love for them, train them up and send out to all ends of the earth to help spread the gospel to all people and also to meet the needs of the Deaf, hard of hearing and Deaf/blind around the world. That being said, the mission field for the Deaf is not just foreign countries but also her in e the United States. "How will they be told, if no one goes?" We have a daunting task ahead of us ...
Our daunting task is that we have to continue to train up as many as we can, as quickly as we can, because the needs of the Deaf are so urgent. We likewise depend on the prayers and support of our fellow laborers in Christ, praying with us that the Lord sends more laborers to work alongside us.
The fields are ripe and ready for harvest, but the laborers are few ...
We recognize that many have the desire but not the skill or ability to communicate in American Sign Language. To respond to that, we are willing to provide free mentorship, training and guidance to those who feel called to this unique field.
We also support to the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board to support their efforts in reaching the world and the Deaf for Christ.
If you are considering making a one time donation or a monthly commitment of any amount we can give you our word that your money will not be misused and that we will not use your money to get rich. Our property is paid for and we have no debts, we have not taken any loans and have no expensive renovation projects that would divert your donations for being used for anything other than ministry related needs..
We thank you in advance for your support.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7
