Corey Phillips preached a powerful word today at the Deaf Church 11/6/16
Corey Phillips blessed us today at the Deaf Church with a powerful message about the Ark of the Covenant and our need to stay in the...

“Are we robbing God?” 11/27/16
What's happenin' at the Deaf Church Sunday November 27th SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:45am In FELLOWSHIP HALL - 5324 Canal Blvd (downstairs door,...

Seminary Homeschool Presentation 12/4/16
Come enjoy a sign language presentation presented by New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary's homeschool students. Breakfast pastries...

Come to a Deafie Thanksgiving Dinner When? November 13th Where? 5324 Canal Blvd, LA (enter the side door facing Hawthorne Place) Time?...

Interpreter Business Practices Workshop 12/10/16
Interpreter Business Practices Workshop This workshop will focus on best business practices for interpreters and the importance of...

The Science of Sign Language & Deaf: Educational Interpreting for Students with DUAL-disabilitie
New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC PRESENTS The Science of Sign Language 10am – 12pm Jennifer Kuyrkendall will highlight...

DEAF BIBLE CHAT (Wednesdays)
Let us buy you a coffee as you join us for a Deaf Bible chat at Wholefoods!!! DATE: Wednesdays TIME: 7pm PLACE: Wholefoods--3420...

Filling-out Necessary Paperwork
Are you planning to be an interpreter? Are you just starting out as a new interpreter? … Or have you been interpreting for a while but...

Joshua signing "Take me to the King" before his baptism at the Deaf Church
#joshuacazabatbaptizedatdeafchurchneworleans #cbbdc #canalblvdbaptistdeafchurch
He called, they followed
#deafchurchneworleans #shastaandryanralston #cbbdc #canalblvdbaptistdeafchurch