Church Interpreters 8 Week Online Course (scholarships provided)
New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC

Church Interpreters
8 Week Online Class
This workshop will focus on church interpreting
Summer Program
Online live interactive class
April 14 – June 2
Cost: $75
(pay online)
Dr. Barbara Lovas will lead in an online interactive 8 week study, focusing on church interpreting techniques and ethics: Emphasis will be placed on religious vocabulary, terminology, ethics, and Deaf empowerment as it relates to church settings and interpreting scripture and religious music. Local Deaf will also share their feelings related to ethics and Deaf empowerment. This course will include 45mins to an 1 hour of live interactive instruction w/ a minimum of 2 additional hours of work per week; along with hands-on practices, techniques, resources, and study aids provided to participants. Scholarships are offered. .6 CEUs will be provided.
For more information:
Barbara Lovas at
504-722-2967 cell/text/facetime
This workshop is sponsored by Louisiana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, a chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf